Get Your NEW Holiday Theory Wear NOW! ► Subscribe to not miss a Film Theory! ►     Most people are familiar with the iconic television game show, Jeopardy. Trivia enthusiasts and more gather around to prove that they are the smartest at recalling random facts. Now, I love Jeopardy and I've always wondered what it takes to be a champion. Do you have to be a genius or can you... work with the system? Today Theorists, we are diving into the strategy behind one of Jeopardy's best champions. Alex Trebek is not ready for this! Don't miss a Film Theory! ►   #Jeopardy #Champion #AlexTrebek #JamesHolzhauer #Win #Lose #Rigged #FinalJeopardy #Strategy #FilmTheory #Matpat Need Royalty Free Music for your Content? Try Epidemic Sound. Get Your 30 Day Free Trial Now ► MORE FILM THEORIES Rick's True CRIME! | Rick and Morty ►► Will MORTY KILL RICK?! ►► How PICKLE RICK Functions! ►►► Blair Witch's SECRET DANGER!  ► Ariel & Hercules Are RELATED?! ► Credits: Writer: Stephanie Patrick Editors: Josh Langman, Danial "BanditRants" Keristoufi, and Koen Verhagen Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazySound Editor: Yosi Berman   Sources: